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The project BRIDGE aims to create serious games treating cognitive and behavioral symptoms of dementia through various workshops engaging younger and older people.

Through various steps, the project will design, produce and test various serious games (physical, digital or phygital) targeting to people with dementia.

By adopting a transnational approach in the project through the cooperation of organizations and institutes at european level, the consortium will:

  • Exchange knowledge and experiences from a variety of disciplines and institutions across Europe.
  • Build upon the efforts of local institutions to increase awareness about dementia in members of general public.
  • Create and promote games to improve cognitive and behavioral symptoms of pwD.
  • Create tailored content in games as a result of the collaborative work between healthcare professionals, members of general public, university students, and game-designers.
  • Contribute to multiplier effect at European level.

Intellectual outputs:

  • Methodological Guide for Bridge project
  • Development of games 
  • Bridge web platform 

The following organizations are involved in the project: 

Panellinia Omospondia Nosou Alzheimer kai Sinafon Diatarachon (Greece), Anziani e non solo Società Cooperativa Sociale (Italy), Asociatia Habilitas – Centru de Resurse si Formare Profesionala (Romania),Challedu (Greece) and UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN MACEDONIA (Greece).

This project  has been co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. Project Number: 2018-1-EL01-KA204-04789

For more information you can contact with Iakovou Konstantina from Challedu- inclusion | games | education,