The ‘’Small Buddies’’ project is implemented in the framework of the program ‘’Active citizens fund’’ and the coordinator is: CHALLEDU- inclusion | games | education and partners: KROMA, HETERART and MYRTILLO. It is an innovative project that gives the opportunity to small/new organizations to advocate and promote their work as well as to create communication channels with companies that develop or want to develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions. The project offers the ability to companies to train their staff in 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGS) with a playful way to discover actions of small/new organizations that contribute to them and eventually get to know and work with some of them by enhancing their impact.
The objectives of the project are:
-promoting transparency, accountability and good governance of civil society organizations and the business world
-promotion of SDGSs and education for the business and the civil society organizations
-advocacy for small, new and innovative organizations that implement actions and projects with a large impact for their size, and a substantial contribution to the achievement of SDGs
-the creation of a informal network of organizations that will act as an intermediary body supporting them and upgrading their role
-the development of guides and tools that will promote the transparency and organizational capacity and know-how of small organizations according to their potential and needs
-attracting companies and the business world through information on SDGs and the work of organizations related to them
-attracting companies through the provision of tools that gradually involve the company and its employees in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions starting from CSR action concerning the training of employees in SDGs and linking this action with the action of organizations creating communication channels
-the direct involvement of KROMA as a specialized media in its advocacy campaigns
-the ultimate goal is to strengthen the impact of small, new, innovative organizations and the sustainable strengthening of actions and groups that support through Corporate Social Responsibility actions.
With the completion of the “Small Buddies” project, 30 organizations will have joined the network, 30 companies will have been informed about the tools and the work of small organizations, 5advocacy campaigns will have been carried out in collaboration with the media.
For more information you can visit the website http://smallbuddies.net/
The 12 million € Active citizens fund program is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) funding mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants.The program aims to strengthen and enhance the sustainability of civil society and to highlight its role in promoting democratic processes, enhancing citizen participation in the community and defending human rights. The management of the Active citizens fund fund program for Greece has been jointly undertaken by the Bodosakis Foundation and SolidarityNow.