The main idea of the project is to develop a training programme based on non-formal work and digital tools to help young people develop skills related to personal development, career development and (social) entrepreneurship. The aim is to design a series of 3 modules, each consisting of 8 non-formal education (NFE) workshops and integrate e-learning tools to provide young people with the necessary knowledge and skills. Training sessions will be organised with 20 young people in each country to test the full programme, gather feedback and improve it based on practice experience and analysis of results.
- Develop the 2 partner organisations’ capacities to provide relevant high-quality training to youth and prepare them for successful transition from school to their first job.
- Improve the toolset and competences of 16 youth workers from the teams of the 2 partners in delivering NFE workshops related to personal development, career development and (social) entrepreneurship.
- Support 20 youth in each partner community to acquire hard and soft skills (personal and interpersonal) and improve their confidence to make informed career choices and enter the job market.
- Develop a methodology (Manual) and program for 24 workshops (divided in 3 thematics) based on NFE and suitable for practical on-site training with youth.
- Build 3 e-learning modules to support the training in the 3 areas of personal development, career development and (social) entrepreneurship.
- Record minimum 24 training videos to support self-learning (8 for each module).
- Create min 30 self-practice exercises (10 for each module) to support the offline learning.
- 16 youth workers (8 from each NGO) will successfully complete the training on the methodology and will finish their demo with performance above 80% (based on assessment and self-assessment).
- 2 cross-sectoral events will be implemented (1 per country) to present the results and outputs to other interested professionals and stakeholders.
Coordinator: ORENDA (Bulgaria)
Partner: CHALLEDU (Greece)
The project is co-funded by the European Commission, under proposal number 2023-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000160811

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.